Precor EFX 885 Elliptical Crosstrainer with P/82 Console

Precor EFX 885 Elliptical Crosstrainer with P/82 Console

Regular price $5,995.00
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  • Pre-Owned
  • Checked and Serviced
  • 1-year warranty
  • Netflix no longer supported on console

Product Highlights

The EFX® 885 with Converging CrossRamp® combines essential reliability and ease-of-use with a natural, low-impact stride to add value to your facility. Design enhancements ensure easy cleaning and maintenance for you, while the unique adjustable Converging CrossRamp® technology and upper body moving handlebars deliver a total body workout for your exercisers.

Dimensions 203 x 71 x 170 cm
Equipment Weight: 150 kg
Step-up Height: 20 cm (pedal at lowest point)
Power: Self-Powered
Total Workouts: 15
Resistance Levels: 20
Ramp Angle: 10-35 degrees
Language: English, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish